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Youth with disabilities- opportunities in COVID 19 in CoSP CRPD

June 17, 2021
1 minute read
Joint us today and Lets hear what Mr. Ram Gaihre, General Secretary of our association have to say regarding situation of youth with disabilities in Side event 14th CoSP CRPD
Do you want to discuss the current situation of youth with disabilities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and to actively engage in the preparation of the Youth with Disabilities Summit?
Come participate in our side event:
Youth with disabilities:
Opportunities in COVID-19 recovery and onwards to
the Youth with Disabilities Summit
17 June 2021
11:30 am - 12:45 pm, New York Time
- Petri Puhakka, Finnish Ambassador for Disability Inclusion
- Matías Ferreira, ULAC President, WBU and IDA
- Miyeon Kim, Vice-Chair of the CRPD Committee
- Alagammai Chenthilnathan, IDA’s youth community of practice
- Daniela Gordon, UN youth with disabilities network
- Ram Gaihre, Greneral secretary, Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) and the Youth Committee of the African Union of the Blind (AFUB) (TBD)
Moderated by Peter Ochiengo, IDA Youth Fellow
The side event will be held virtually, under a Zoom platform, with the provision of simultaneous interpretation in English, Spanish, French and International Sign (IS), and captioning in English.
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