Excited - parallel program ongoing on Saturday as well
July 24, 2021
1 minute read
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We are excited to announce the contineous program today and like to thank everyone and every chapter members who are making this possible
- 8 Days professional writing training to chapters - 7am-9 am - Kailali chapter/ Byan Valley Chapter
- Quiz competition for persons with disabilities regarding inclusion- 10am- 3 Pm- Byan Bara
- Women empowerment workshop communication, leadership and English Language- 1 pm - 3pm - BYAN Womens working group
- Online Quiz- preperation for Teachers service comission- Clubhouse - 7-9 PM
- मनका कुरा काउनसिलर संग - Ep 12: विद्यालय शिक्षा, मानसिक स्वास्थ्यमा प्राथमिकता-8:30 PM onwards
inclusion #leadership #blindyouthnepal

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