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TOR for Development of Toolkit on CSE for Young People with Disabilities

March 3, 2023
4 minutes read
mike showing expression of interest


Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is an organization established by Blind and Partially Sighted (BPs) Youth of Nepal, with the vision of "BPS people of Nepal enjoying a dignified life in an inclusive society." Currently, BYAN is working in the areas of policy advocacy, education, employment, disaster risk reduction, political participation, and promotion of SRHR of persons with disabilities in general and BPS in particular.

BYAN is currently carrying out a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) related project under Right Here Right Now 2 (RHRN2). One of its major outcomes is to ensure that young people with disabilities are empowered to make their decisions related to sexuality, voice their needs, and claim their rights. To bring about this outcome, the project has set the objective to train young people with different types of disabilities, i.e., physical disability, hearing-related disability, vision-related disability, and intellectual/autism-related disability, on various components of CSE and mobilize them to conduct awareness sessions in their respective schools. In this context,

BYAN is looking for a consultant to develop a toolkit on CSE for young people with disabilities. Thus, BYAN announces the call for Expression of Interest (EOI) from experienced and qualified experts to develop a toolkit on CSE for young people with disabilities. Interested and eligible individuals or organizations are invited to submit EOI in the following address, mentioning "Expression of Interest for developing a toolkit on CSE for young people with disabilities" in the subject line in the following Address: [email protected] CC to [email protected] and [email protected].

Final Deadline for submitting the EOI is Friday, Mar. 10, 2023.

Extended Deadline for the EOI submission Mar 17, 2023.

Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to develop a toolkit on CSE that will guide the organization to train young people with disabilities on various components of CSE and conduct awareness sessions at different integrated schools. It has been envisioned that the developed toolkit will clearly specify the set of contents, resources, methods, and techniques that will meet the level and requirements of different groups of young people with disabilities, i.e., young people with physical, hearing, vision, and intellectual/autism-related disabilities.

Scope of Work

  •  Prepare a plan and outline of the toolkit
  • Conduct a desk review of CSE and young people with disabilities related legal provisions and practices in international context and of Nepal
  • Hold regular meetings with BYAN team and Reference Group of Youth with Disabilities to understand the context and take required inputs on the toolkit
  • Prepare a draft of the toolkit and share it with BYAN and RHRN team for the required feedback
  • Conduct a validation workshop with the organizations of young people with and without disabilities for the toolkit validation
  • Incorporate the received feedback/inputs and finalize the toolkit.
  • Give an orientation of toolkit for reference groups of youths with disabilities. 

Eligibility Criteria

a. Minimum bachelor degree in Public Health, Disability, or Social Science

b. Minimum five years of experience in the field of SRHR/CSE and disability, particularly experience in developing a toolkit on CSE/SRHR targeting young people with disabilities, i.e., young people with physical, hearing, vision, and intellectual/autism-related disabilities

c. Skills and experience in how to teach and support children with different types of disabilities

d. Excellent facilitation skills, i.e., organizing consultation workshop, meeting with wider stakeholders, including people with diverse groups of disabilities, is highly preferred.3.

Service Duration and Location

The consultant will be working in close coordination with BYAN team. The consultant shall be engaged on a daily basis for a maximum of 15 working days, including a validation workshop and orientation. The assignment will immediately be started and completed by the end of March, 2023. 

Required Documents for Submitting Proposal Firms:

  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept note highlighting the methodological design
  • The document should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.
  • Firm Registration & Renewal certificate
  • Copy of VAT Registration Certificate
  • Latest Tax clearance certificate


  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept note highlighting the methodological design including work plan, and quality assurance mechanisms.
  • The proposal should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.

BYAN will select the consultant based on their experience and amount proposed for the task.

BYAN reserves the right to select or not to select any of the application. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN’s prior consent.

     Toolkit has to include the following

 but not limited to:

Section 1: Understanding Disability and Sexuality

This section provides an overview of disability and sexuality, covering topics such as the intersection of disability and gender, sexual orientation, and identity. It also provides guidance on how to address myths and misconceptions around disability and sexuality.

Section 2: Adapting CSE to Meet the Needs of young people with Disabilities

This section provides guidance on how to adapt CSE to meet the diverse needs of young people with disabilities. It covers topics such as accessible formats for learning, the use of assistive technology, and the importance of involving persons with disabilities in the development and delivery of CSE.

Section 3: Approaches to Teaching CSE to Persons with Disabilities

This section provides guidance on different approaches to teaching CSE to children and young people with different types of disabilities, such as peer-to-peer education, group discussions, and individual counseling. It also provides guidance on how to create a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Section 4: Addressing Barriers to Access

This section provides guidance on how to address barriers to access to CSE for young people with disabilities. It covers topics such as physical accessibility, financial barriers, and cultural and social barriers.

Section 5: Resources and Tools

This section provides a list of resources and tools that can be used to support the development and delivery of CSE to young people with different types of disabilities. It includes links to training materials, guidelines, and advocacy resources.

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