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Consultation workshop for developing sign language on SRHR for Deaf

September 9, 2020
1 minute read

BYAN in collaboration with the National Association of the Sign Language Interpreters Nepal (NASLI) and the National Federation of the Deaf Nepal (NFDN), has been conducting a 4 days workshop on SRHR for the sign language interpreters of Nepal. We realized that there is the existence of a knowledge gap on SRHR among deaf and hard of hearing communities of Nepal. The absence of signs for many of the technical teams related to CSE and SRHR has created serious disadvantages for hearing impaired people and increased their vulnerability and made it difficult for them to claim their SRHR. Consequently, BYAN, NASLI, and NFDN decided to produce a dictionary for people with hearing impairments which includes CSE and SRHR related signs.

Therefore, The major intention of this workshop is to increase the understanding of SRHR and to develop key sign language words in terms of SRHR contexts. Usually, there are very limited words in sign language dictionary regarding Sexual and reproductive health for people with deaf and hard of hearing.

Blindyouth Nepal National Federation of the Deaf Nepal - NDFN National Association of the Sign Language Interpreters Nepal NASLI Nepal#SRHR4All #MySexualityMyRight #LeaveNoOneBehind #SDGs#GlobalAgenda2030 #CSE4All Vishwo Shrestha Ram Gaihre Kabita Basnet Nilu Maharjan Joshi Shrestha Dinesh

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