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Blind Youth Association Nepal

Accessible Application to access information in SRHR for PWDS launched

This post was published on: June 13, 2021

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hamiforSRHR is a mobile application developed by Blind Youth Association Nepal and spread accessible information, news, notification on Disability and Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights to young persons with disability and without a disability. This app is particularly for young and adult people with disabilities (PWDs) and their friends, parents, teachers but also can be used by any group of people without disabilities.

Due to social-cultural discrimination, stigma, and misconception people with disabilities are unable to exercise their basic sexual and reproductive health rights provided by the constitution of Nepal. When SRHR issue comes-up with PWDs, usually people have many misconceptions such as PWDs are either asexual or hypersexual, PWDs cannot bear or have a child due to their physical condition, etc.  In Nepal, while many people have access to a diverse scope of information related to SRHR but not all information is accurate, researched-based, and available in an accessible format to serve PWDs. Thus, this application is made with the prime intention to deliver correct and scientific information, news, notification many more on SRHR of PWDs. The major objective of a mobile application is to make PWD’s Sexual and reproductive health rights’ information, notification, quires, laws/policies accessible through the digital platform. Along with developing a native mobile app that will contain comprehensive sexual and reproductive health rights information, service through the lens of PWDs, to develop an application, which will be accessible, inclusive, and handy for all types of people with disabilities.

 मन मा अनेकौ खलदुली र जिज्ञासा हुन सक्छन मनका कुरा सुनिदिने अनि यौनका कुरा भन्ने सुन्ने साथीपनि छैनन् होला मनका र यौनका भावना, जिज्ञासा विचार र खुलदुली मेटाउनलाई  भेट्टाऔ BYAN को – “हामीयौन तथा प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्यका लागि APP सजिलो संग download  जरौ, ढुक्क संग जिज्ञासा मेटाऔँ