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BYAN History and its Development

Looking at the past developments in the disability sector, it seems that there are several priorities in this movement. Since the disability movement of Nepal has come through a very short time period, the DPOs’ leaders mentioned that that the overall disability movement in Nepal is in childhood stage, while some others claimed this to be a much vibrant one. The situation is different to the different nature of disability as well.  For example, in urban areas blind movement has reached to a much matured stage while it is still at infant or yet to take birth in some of the districts.

History of the organisation


YearMajor eventResult
2001Establishment of Blind Youth Committee under Nepal Association of the BlindProcess started to organised the blind youth
2007Re-organisation of youth committeeEntry of active and committed youth in the committee
2008Completion of basic leadership development training in 3 districts i.e. Kathmandu, Morang and Kailali through the financial support of Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS)Youth upon getting orientation on leadership development and organisational strengthening started to take interest and adherence towards the organisation
2009Delegation to the Tribhuwan University for blind friendly examination systemProvision made to have additional one hour time to the examinees who need to have writing assistant
2010Organisation of a two-day national workshop to on Information technology the blind youth under the youth partnership programBlind youth became familiard with advance information technology
2011Formation of ad-hock committee of Blind Youth Association-Nepal under the Chairpersonship of Mr. Kaladhar Bhandari, the then vice-coordinatorIdentity shifted from committee to the organisation.
2012Formation of District chapters of BYAN in Jhapa, rupandehi and KaskiNetwork expansion of BYAN
2013Organised buddhi chhal competition for BPS in Kaski with the financial support of  DOE supportBPS engaged in extra currilular activities as well
2013Conduction of Western Regional level Sports competition through the financial support of DOEMore than 80 blind youth took part in more than 6 sports and able to demonstrate their talents
2014Formation of BYAN, Kathmandu ChapterIncreased network and membership of BYAN
2015Project agreement with US/MyRightOpened a new and multiple avenew for the future work of BYAN in blind and partially sighted youth sector
2015Formation of BYAN district chapter in Banke and accomplished leadership development trainingIncreased network and membership of BYAN, capacity enhanced
2015Change in policy of SLC examination board by changing the scriber from one level to one class belowBPS got the capable scriber during the examination of SLC.
2016Project Agreement with ASD for the friendly education for blind and partially sighted youths in NepalStrong policy advocacy for blind and partially sighted channeled.
2016The Public Commission of Nepal made decision on provision of blind friendly examination with separate coding for exam paper checking and additional time. As per new provision, BPS people are not required to solve pictorial and graphical questions.This is a landmark decision of Public Service Commission that will enable may BPS persons to effectively take part in the examination. Also, it favors all persons with disabilities needing writing assistants and additional time.
2016National Youth AwardBYAN recognition and identity increased
2017With the financial support of EDCU, organized 5 days Mobility training for the teachers of inclusive schools for BPS of 14 districts, where there were 28 teachersTeachers directly engaged in teaching BPS students are taught on Mobilility for blind and partially sighed students and it was the first time for most of the teachers.
2017Development of blind Friendly curriculum of Science and mathCDC has developed the separate curriculum of Science and Maths to make it inclusive for BPS
2018The Teachers Service Commission made decision on additional time (10%) whilist commissioning exams administered by this comission.This is an another histry breaking decision where BPS will have more time and provision for better writing assistants enabling them to better participate to compete in the examinations.
2018Project agreement with US/MyRight, ASDContinuation of partnership until 2021
2018National Youth AwardBYAN recognition and identity increased
2019Project Agreement with FP2020More focused work in SRHR of persons with disabilities started, BYAN work extended beyond BPS.
2019Chapter formation in BaraBYAN Chapters reached in 8 districts
2019Project Agreement with Amplify ChangeMore focused work in SRHR of persons with disabilities started with increased coverage
2019The Teachers Service commission changed the policy to provide the writing assistant for PWDS of Mild disability categoryMore number of PWDs who apper in the examination increased increasing the opportunities of employment
201970 BPS students passed TSC examination and employed as a government teacherBYAN organized preparation training for 140 BPS in Kathmandu and online for one months and produced supportive materials in Audio and braille hence number of the clearing TSC examination increased
2020Chapter formation in SurkhetBYAN reached 9 chapers with 472 General members
2020Cross disability Advocates in Local levelDisability Advocates are active in all the chapters of BYAN


1.6 Major learnings

  • The cultural context and capacity of individual BPS youth is different. BYAN needs to be aware of addressing these whilist making intervention plan.
  • For the self-employment of BPS youth, BYAN needs to focus on 3 essential components i.e. market, skill development and financial support. In the abesence of either of these may not essentially promote self employment among the BPS youth. This also requireds monitoring visits for required support.
  • Increased concern and participation of non-BPS youth to amplify the awareness and advocacy to greater mass would contribute BYAN's work.
  • Database management of all youth affiliated with the organisation. If we think of making a BPS youth's life a self-sustaining one, BYAN has to create data on existing skills, required skills, mobility training status, seed money support given, seed money returned, other skills required to sustain livelihood, SRHR awareness and service status etc as relevant.
  • Due to the uniformity in the age among the BYAN members, there was open participation without hesitation in the meeting, discussion and debates. Less often, this has created zealous behaviour and often not being respectful to the leaderships.
  • Possibility of disclosing confidential matters of the organisation due to the fact that the same person is involved in other organisation in leadership positions. Every position holder needs to be highly aware on their limitations in terms of what to do and not to do as key officer bearers. The major position holder in the organisation should not be holding major position in other organisations other than branches of NAB.
  • Need to better align the organisational structure of BYAN in line with the current federal structure of Nepal to have more access on rights and services from the local governments.
  • As time and technology changes, BYAN members also needs to be equipped on use of new technologies with capacity development programs from the organisation.
  • Immense need of development of sectoral experts in the fields of Employment, Health and Education so that BYAN will have a very strong boardmembers.
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