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Reaching the unreached : Benefit concert of BYAN

December 16, 2016
3 minutes read

Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN)
Program : Benefit concert to support earthquake affected Blind Children
Date : 2073 Poush 9, Saturday
Place : Tudikhel, Kathmandu
Time : 3 PM Onwards
Organiser : Blind Youth Association Nepal and Mark Entertainment and Events Pvt. Ltd

Proformers :
• 1974 A.D
• Kutumba
• Kramarsha
• Various National Blind artists.


Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is established by the Blind and Partially Sighted (BPS) youth themselves in 2011. This organisation is registered in the District Administrative Office, Kathmandu in 2012 under a registration number 721. BYAN has its membership strength of 250 who have been organised in five different districts Chapters, and is also in the process of constant expansion where BYAN envisions reaching out all 75 districts of Nepal in long run period. BYAN is also affiliated in the Social Welfare Council of Nepal with its affiliation number 39,265. The organisation has acquired permanent account number and also the tax exemption certificate from the Inland Revenue Office of Nepal.

Being an 'of' organisation, BYAN brings several power and strengths within in order to effectively take actions to address the issues faced by BPS people. Being an association of youth of 16-35 years age, every energy of the youth is synergized together for the better actions. BYAN's hierarchies of objectives are as follows:

Blind youths living independently and respected in an inclusive society.
Empowerment of the blind youth via organizational strengthening, Meeting and resource mobilization
Improved life standard of target group by increasing access to education, health, income generation and friendly services

Objectives :
• Organisational Strengthening
• To advocate for target group
• Facilitation and support to insure quality education for blind youths
• Promotion of Employment and self-employment programme
• Awareness raising program to promote positive attitude.
• Promote the health rights of blind people.
• Disaster risk related programs
Post earthquake situation of Blind and Partially sighted
• Losses of educational materials ( Books, Writing papers)
• Resistance in study due to losses of assistive devices (Slate/ Stylus and other educative materials)
• Low mobility due to loss of white cane and destroyed structure
• Losses of school uniform/dress amd school / hostels
• prone to sexual abuse
• Loss of Loss of family members and houses.
• Degrade in hygiene and sanitation availability
• Mental stress and trauma
Why This Happened
• Lack of disable centered disaster preparedness and response.
• Inaccessible infrastructure for evacuation
• Lack of awareness among family members, relatives and consequently failed to offer help to evacuate
• Inaccessible materials of hygiene and sanitation during post disaster situation.
• Lack of professional counselor for disable/blind

Current Status
• Lack of disable centered disaster preparedness and response.
• Inaccessible infrastructure for evacuation
• Lack of awareness among family members, relatives and consequently failed to offer help to evacuate
• Inaccessible materials of hygiene and sanitation during post disaster situation.
• Lack of professional counselor for disable/blind

Objective of the Benefit concert
This benefit concert : Reach the unreached is organised to generate finanacial support to provide the support for the earthquake affected children who are currently studying in 16 different schools from 10 earthquake affected districts. All together 275 (154 boys and 121 Girls) students are directly affected form the earthquake and continuous after shock. Its been almost two years of earthquake However these blind children are left behind from necessary support like availability of sufficient educational materials, assistive devices and skills on earthquake safety measures. Being a Blind it is very challangiing to remain safe during and after the earthquake. Health and sanitation , Mentsural Hygiene, and personal mobility are the major challange that these blind childrens are still facing. Therefore , Blind youth association Nepal being the organisation of blind youth would like to suppport though following activities.
• Distribution of needed Educational materials ( White cane, Slate/ stylus, School dresses and sanitation Kits.
• Making a enabled environment for evacuation.
• Awareness and disaster preparedness training with WASH.
• Counseling training for people with disability, parents, guardian and friends.
• Advocacy with different line organizations working in disaster like government, NGOs and others for including blind people in their activities

Through this benefit concert we aim to generate financial support so that these activities can be offered to those victim children. Any individuals , organizations, and agencies are kindly requested for their contribution to help one of the most marginalized and hardly affected group of our community. Any contribution Kind and Cash will be directly reached to the benefecirires though the organisation .

For further information please kindly contact
Blind Youth Association Nepal
Sukedhara, Kathmandu
Phone No : 01- 4372160
Contact No : Ramchandra Gaihre, General Secretary , 9841411034
Vishwo R. Shrestha, Project Manager, 9841319348
Rojan Manandhar , Mark Entertainment , 9860466447
Email : [email protected]
Website :

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