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Meeting with education ministry

March 19, 2016
1 minute read
Government representatvie presenting themselves

BYAN organised half day workshop with curriculum development center(CDC), Department of Education (DOE) office of Examination controller(OEC) for blind friendly examination during the SLC examination of the blind. The examination system gaps were :

  1. Sufficiently and timely availability of Braille text books: In 2015, close to 65 percent of BPS students received braille text books in time while some others did not receive or received towards the end of academic year. One of the focuses of the project will be to have braille text books in the hands of each and every student at the start of each academic year. This also includes the provision of text books in large print for the partially sighted people.


  1. BPS friendly curriculum and text books: The existing curriculum and text books are of general nature that treats BPS children on the equal basis to that of others. Given the fact that BPS students have some functional restrictions in participation, there needs some adaptations in the curriculum and text books, for example choice of subjects, Geometry.


  1. Assessment and evaluation system: More adaptive nature of assessment and examination system has to be adopted for the BPS students. Short and general natured of assessments can be done using slate and stylus while long and time taking assessments has to be carried out by provisioning of 'competent' writers provision. Currentprovision of writing assistant with one class junior does not appropriately depict the talency/knowledge of BPS academics.
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