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Celebrating 8th Anniversary of BYAN

February 4, 2020
1 minute read

It is such an immense pleasure that Blind Youth Association Nepal(BYAN) is now completed its 8th year of establishment. As being a new organization of Blind and Partially sighted youth, we are more focusing in the areas like Inclusive Education, Employment Promotion, Policy Advocacy, Sexual and Reproductive health rights, Awareness raising and carrying rights based movement. In the occasion of 8th  anniversary, Series of activities were conducted for a whole week

i. Orientation  on the disability inclusive SRHR and SRHR provisions and services to the local government stakeholders in 4 different districts ;

a. Kailali- Province 7 , Banke and Rupandehi- Province 5 and Kaski- Gandaki Province

ii. Dissemination of outcomes of the study on Access of persons with disabilities in SRHR and FP

a. Kailali- Provience 7 , Banke and Rupandehi- Provience 5 and Kaski- Gandaki Provience

iii. Workshop with the Government representative in provincial educational Authorities

a. Province 2- Janakpur.

b. Provience 3 - Hetauda

iv. Followup to the rural/Municipalities for the development of disability friendly local regulation

a. Kailali, Kaski, Rupandehi

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