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Call for Expression of Interest for System Based Audit of Blind Youth Association Nepal(BYAN)

August 9, 2022
6 minutes read
mike showing expression of interest

Blind Youth Association is an organisation establish by the Blind and Partially Sighted Youth of Nepal. With the vision of 'BPS people of Nepal enjoying dignified life in an inclusive society' BYAN is currently working in the area of policy advocacy, education, employment disaster risk reduction, political participation and SRHR of persons with disabilities in general and BPS in particular.  Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is a right based organisation established to advocate and promote the rights of blind and partially sighted youth that are scattered across the country of Nepal. Since its establishment, this organisaiton has expanded its organisational network in different parts of the country and has been conducting different programs such as capacity building, leadership development, personality development and skill development related training to the blind and partially sighted youth. Till the date, the organisation has been able to expand its district level branches in Jhapa and Morgang in provience 1, Bara in Provience 2, Kathmandu valley and Chitwan in provience 3, Kaski in Gandaki provinece, Rupandehi and Banke in Provience 5, Surkhet in provience 6 and kailali in far west provience. Inclusive of all these branches more than 500+ blind and partially sighted youth are the members of this organisation with equal numbers of men and women.

BYAN is conducting Systems Based Audit to access the current level of the institutional capacity of the organisation i.e weaknesses and weakness and recommend measures that should be taken for institutaional development of the organisation. So,BYAN announces the call for Expression of Interest (EOI) from the experienced and qualified experts to carry our System based Audit. Interested and Eligible individual or organisation are invited to submit EOI in the following address mentioning "Expression of Interest for System Based Audit" in the subject line in the following Address : [email protected]

Eligibility to submit the EOI ;

  • EOI can be submitted by a company or person having the potential eligibility.
  • Interested consultants must provide information with their personal Bio data indicating their qualification to perform the services.
  • This expression of interest is open to all eligible Consulting Firm and individual consultants. Renewed Company documents should be submitted in case of the companies.
  • Individual consultant shall provide at least 1 details of similar assignment experience, their location in the previous 3 years.
  • BYAN will select the consultant based on their experience and amount proposed for the task.
  • Working experience and knowledge in disability will be an advantage.

Documents to submit along with EOI :

  • Cover letter on the official letter head of company or individual consultant duly signed by authorized signatory.
  • Include at least 3 years' experience in the field of SBA and disability in the related topics.
  • Budget for the completion of System based audit.
  • Updated curriculum vitae demonstrating the mentioned knowledge, skill and expertise required, availability in the proposed service period, a brief plan for how to carry out the services.
  • Plan of action, expected services, availability within the expected time and duration to carry out the tasks as per the TOR attached.
  • Consultancy fees to carry out the overall task

Date of call for the EOI: 14th August, 2022

Deadline for the Submission of EOI: 5 pm, 14th August, 2022. (Nepali Standard Time)

BYAN reserves the right to select or not to select any of the application. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN's prior consent.

  • The Scope of Work for carrying out the systems based audit:

Unless otherwise stated, the time frame is one (1) year back in time for the reviews below.

  • Review the capacity of organisational governance:
  • Review the organisation’s governance capacity:
    • Is the organisations Vision clear and understandable?
    • Is the organisations Mission clear and understandable?
    • Is the strategy for how to reach their vision and mission clear and understandable?
    • Is the institutional operational plan clear and include expected goals/results?
  • Review the organisations institutional budget and if it is possible to read out different financial incomes (donors etc.) and different costs?
  • Assess the organisational governing documents and structure together with the transparency towards the organisations members (annual meeting etc.) and identify important weaknesses in the organisational governance
  • Review the system for delegation and segregation of duties: 
  • Review the organisations document for rules of procedure/delegation system
  • Review if the organisation has a procedure/system for appointment of board
  • Review the organisation document for segregation of duties and if it is linked to the organisations financial management
  • Review the how the organisation complies with their internal document for rules of procedure/delegation and segregation of duties
  • Review the Boards documentation and following ups of their own decisions (board meeting protocol etc.)
  • Review the organisation document for “the right to sign in the organisations name” (bank accounts/cheques, agreements etc.)
  • Assess the organisation work regarding delegation and segregation of duties and identify important weaknesses
  •  Review Organisational policies and guidelines:
  • Review if current policies and guidelines are signed or approved by board and/or Executive Director in line with internal system for decision making
  • Review if the organisations has following policies/guidelines/steering documents (or similar):
    • Financial manual
    • Anti-corruption policy
    • Procurement policy
    • Human Recourse policy
  • Assess the organisational work with develop, approve, and update policies and guidelines and identify important weaknesses.  
  • Review internal control and compliance environment:
  • Review the organisation´s compliance with applicable laws/legislation/agreement terms/regulations that are set by authorities/agencies (such as donors, NGOs, Banks, National tax authority, Labour Ministry, etc.)
  • Review the organisation system for ensuring compliance with above laws/legislation/agreement.
  • Review the routines for follow-up and the management of findings/comments in audit reports
  • Review if the organisation has the required insurance in place
  • Assess the organisations work with internal control and compliance and identify important weaknesses. 
  • Review the anti-corruption system and risk management
  • Review the organisation´s whistle blowing system
  • Review the organisation´s documentation of detecting and preventing corruption and minimizing risks of corruption
  • Review the organisations documentation of risk and risk management
  • Assess the organisation´s polices, work and management with corruption and risk and identify important weaknesses
  •  Review Internal system for planning, monitoring and reporting
  • Review if the organisation’s strategic and operational plans are linked to their vision and mission
  • Review if institutional budget is linked to the organisations operational plan or strategy
  • Review the organisations system for overall PME (planning, monitoring and evaluation)
  • Review if the institutional annual report describing the development within the organisation in a way that is comparable to the different goals/areas etc. that is set in the organisation’s strategic and/or annual operational plan
  • Assess the organisations system for planning, monitoring and reporting and identify important weaknesses
  •  Review Financial system
  • Review the organisations financial management (accounting, reporting etc.)
  • Review the organisation’s following up of comments/shortcomings noted in institutional audits/project audit management letter
  • Review the organisation´s system of applying of funds and control regarding use of funds when it comes to different donors
  • Review the organisation’s system of budgeting, monitoring and reporting at an institutional level (consolidated budget and financial statement)
  • Review the system for making changes in approved budgets
  • Review the system/routines when staff’s time are apportioned in different projects
  • Review the system of management of payment and refund of advances to staff
  • Review the organisation strategy for sustainable and long-term budget planning
  • Assess the organisation’s financial system/document, management and internal work within the financial area and identify important weaknesses
  • Asses the quality of the financial manual
  •  Review Archiving system
  • Review the organisations system for back-up, archive and safeguarding of accounting records and other important documents (agreements, reports, staff contracts etc.) according to donor’s conditions and national laws.
  • Assess the organisational system and work with back-up, archive and safeguarding of documents etc. and identify important weaknesses
  •  Review the Human Resource Management (HRM):
  • Review if the HR-policy (or similar document) include;  
    • procedure for reviewing of salaries and benefits
    • procedures for capacity building of staff
    • Recruitment of new staff 
    • Working environment (ensuring a healthy work environment)
  • Review routines/system for staff attendance/Leave Record/Time Reporting
  • Review if the organisation has a code of conduct and if it prohibits members and employees to use organisational funds for personal gain, be involved in irregularities and corruption with funds from the organisation or in its name as well as sexual harassment, threats or violence when representing the organisation in any circumstance
  • Assess the Human Resourse Management and identify important weaknesses
  • Reporting Guideline for Deliverables
  • The draft report, included attached assessment sheet, along with an Executive Summary will be e-mailed by the Consultant to the organisation, to get their feedback before finalization of the report on this Systems Based Audit.
  • The organisation’s management response shall respond to all findings and recommendations made by the Consultant. The response shall be merged in the respective parts of the final Systems Based Audit report.
  • The Final Report shall be sent by the Consultant both as digital and hard copies. Language of the reports shall be English.
  • The organisations shall present a management respond and action plan based on the findings and recommendations made by the Consultant
  • Digital copy of the final report will be sent to MyRight, [email protected] and to the head of the organisations (add email). Two sets of hard copy of the report will be submitted to the partner organisations.
  • Proposed timeline for carrying out the Systems Based Audit:

The final report shall be sent not later than 31st of October 2022.

SlNoActivitiesRequirements Timeline/ Man DaysDeliverablesPractical things, Responsibilities  and Remarks
  • Confidentiality and Ownership:

All the documents that will be provided to the Consultant by the organisation for realizing the Systems Based Audit as per these Terms of Reference will remain the property of the organisation. The Consultant will not divulge any information related to the documents to any third party without getting the written consent from the organisation.

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