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Extension of deadline- Call for Expression of Interest for Election access monitoring

September 18, 2022
3 minutes read
mike showing expression of interest

Blind Youth Association is an organization establish by the Blind and Partially Sighted Youth of Nepal. With the vision of ‘BPS people of Nepal enjoying dignified life in an inclusive society’. BYAN is currently working in the area of policy advocacy, education, employment disaster risk reduction, political participation and promotion of SRHR of persons with disabilities in general and BPS in particular.  Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is a right based organization established to advocate and promote the rights of blind and partially sighted youth that are scattered across the country of Nepal. Since its establishment, this organization has expanded its organizational network in different parts of the country and has been conducting different programs such as capacity building, leadership development, personality development and skill development related training to the blind and partially sighted youth. Till the date, the organization has been able to expand its district level branches in Jhapa and Morang in province 1, Bara in Province 2, Kathmandu valley and Chitwan in province 3, Kaski in Gandaki province, Rupandehi and Banke in Province 5, Surkhet in province 6 and kailali in far west province. Inclusive of all these branches, more than 500+ blind and partially sighted youth are the members of this organization with equal numbers of men and women.

 In a partnership with IFES, BYAN is conducting election access monitoring to find out the actual situation and facts of persons with disability on an access to the election in Nepal. The access monitoring will be done on 100 polling stations during the election day i.e., 20 November 2022 and IEC materials (Video/Audio/Print/Social network) developed and used by ECN and other organizations at 10 working districts of BYAN during pre-election.  So, BYAN announces the call for Expression of Interest (EOI) from the experienced and qualified experts to prepare a report on election access monitoring. Interested and Eligible individual or organization are invited to submit EOI in the following address mentioning “Expression of Interest for preparing election access monitoring report” in the subject line in the following Address: [email protected]/ [email protected]

Eligibility to submit the EOI ;

  • EOI can be submitted by a company or person having the potential eligibility.
  • Interested consultants must provide information with their personal Bio data indicating their qualification to perform the services.
  • Individual consultant shall provide at least 1 details of similar assignment experience, their location in the previous 3 years.
  • BYAN will select the consultant based on their experience and amount proposed for the task.
  • Working experience and knowledge in disability will be an advantage.

Documents to submit along with EOI :

  • Cover letter on the official letter head of the company or individual consultant duly signed by authorized signatory.
  • Include at least 3 years’ experience in the field of election monitoring and disability.
  • Budget for the completion of the final Report.
  • Updated curriculum vitae demonstrating the mentioned knowledge, skill and expertise required, availability in the proposed service period, a brief plan for how to carry out the services.
  • Plan of action, expected services, availability within the expected time and duration to carry out the tasks as per the TOR attached.
  • Consultancy fees to carry out the overall task

Date of call for the EOI: 18th Sep, 2022

Extension of Deadline for the Submission of EOI: 5 pm, 10th Oct, 2022. (Nepali Standard Time)

BYAN reserves the right to select or not to select any of the application. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN’s prior consent.

The Scope of Work to carry out the election access monitoring report:

  • Plan and make an outline of the election access monitoring report by finalizing with BYAN & IFES team.
  • Desk review of national and international practices of disability and election access.
  •  Conduct the validation workshop of monitoring draft questions and checklist among stakeholders.
  • Audit data the compile data 
  • Monitoring reporting must include the subject and findings of polling station situation, disability voter experience of voting and IEC materials used during per election by ECN and other organization.
  • In the report data must be analyzed and interpreted using infographic tools and descriptive methodology and mentioning the finding and recommendation of monitoring.
  • Prepare a brief presentation of a report to share in a meeting with ECN, IFES and BYAN.
  • The draft report, included attached assessment sheet, along with an Executive Summary will be e-mailed by the Consultant to the organization, to get their feedback before finalization of the report on election access monitoring.
  • Consultant should submit the final report by 15th March 2023 in digital and hard copies. Language of the reports shall be English.
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