Alternative solution "Large Print Book"

Prioritizing the partially sighted student of grade 10 BYAN developed 1000 set of large print book in English and Nepali coordinating with Curriculum Development Center (CDC). BYAN is distributing these book throughout our district chapter schools: For instance Namuna Macchindra School of Lalitpur annually request book for partially sighted students of grade 10.
Furthermore, BYAN expanded 9th district chapter in Surkhet during the expansion BYAN distributed the large print book in Surkhet for the very first time. They were enthusiastic and jubilant to see the large print books friendly for them for the first time and could think more than just Braille. Here is the picture of two partially sighted women reading the large print book for the first time. They expressed the happiness seeing the words in large font and continued reading the book. Lastly, they requested us to develop large print book in all subjects, which will eventually help partially sighted student to pass S.E.E test.