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प्रकाशित मिति- वि.सं. २०८१ माघ २२ गते

यस नेत्रहिन युवा सङ्घ नेपालले चार पाङ्ग्रे सवारी साधन बिक्रीका लागि सार्वजनिक सुचना आह्वान गरेकोले इच्छुक व्यक्तिले यस सुचना प्रकाशित भएको मितिले एक हप्ताभित्र आवश्यक कोटेसन र कागजातसहित [email protected] मा दर्खास्त पठाउन आह्वान गरिन्छ-

सवारी साधनको विवरण निम्नानुसार छ:

1. कम्पनीको नाम: Ford

2. मोडल: EcoSport

3. बनेको वर्ष: 2014

4. इन्जिन क्षमता: 1499 CC

5. सवारीको रङ्ग: Grey

6. चालकसहित तौल क्षमता: 350 किलोग्राम

7. ईन्धन प्रकार: पेट्रोल

(नोट- सवारी साधन खरीद गर्नेले कानुनी प्रक्रिया पूरा गर्दा लाग्ने शुल्क तथा आवश्यक कानुनी दस्तुर स्वयंले बेहोर्नुपर्नेछ।)

समय सीमा: सूचना प्रकाशित भएको मितिले ७ (सात) दिनभित्र।

थप जानकारिका लागि “Inquiry About Vehicle” Subject-line सहित [email protected] मा इमेल गर्न सकिने छ।

We successfully concluded a two-day residential workshop in Nepalgunj, bringing together youth-led organizations from Karnali, Sudurpaschim, and Lumbini provinces. It was inspiring to learn about their impactful works in their communities and their dedication to empowering youth.

Through leadership sessions and discussions, we explored the challenges of youth political participation and discussed the potential solutions to overcome these barriers.

The in-depth discussions in youth civic engagement, the role of evidence-based advocacy and RTI in active civic participation, advocacy for inclusive and accessible election, and youth intervention in the policy-making process paved the way for generating future action plans and advocacy priorities.

We are deeply inspired by the energy and commitment of these young changemakers, and we look forward to seeing their continued efforts to strengthen youth political engagement.

The Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) conducted its annual Social Audit on 29th December, facilitated by auditor Mr. Prasidhda Neupane. The event brought together over 45 participants from diverse organizations, including Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), UN agencies, government bodies, and non-governmental organizations. This platform promoted transparency, accountability, and community engagement, allowing stakeholders to review BYAN's achievements, challenges, and overall performance throughout the year. Key accomplishments and financial updates were presented, followed by discussions and feedback from members, partners, and beneficiaries. This initiative underscores BYAN's commitment to fostering trust, inclusivity, and effective program implementation.


Blind Youth Association is an organization established by the Blind and Partially Sighted Youth of Nepal. The major working area of the organization is the promotion of inclusive education, Employment, and self-employment promotion, political participation and civic engagement, promotion of the right to health and comprehensive sexuality education, mental health, and disaster risk mitigation measures, including rehabilitation works.  BYAN is also working with advocacy work to provide, promote, and utilize the rights of children and youths with disabilities, raising awareness the issues and abilities to create positive attitudes towards children and youths with disabilities.

BYAN is currently carrying out a Project named “Action for Change: An initiative for the promotion of inclusive SRH and FP services for persons with disabilities and strengthened movement” in partnership with CBM global disability inclusion.  As part of our commitment to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, we are seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to develop a robust Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Framework for our overall office operations.

Objective of the assignment:

The primary objective of this assignment is to design a comprehensive MEAL framework that will enable Blind Youth Association Nepal to systematically monitor and evaluate, ensure accountability, and foster learning to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability of its programs and activities.

Scope of Work:

The selected firm or individual will be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Conduct a needs assessment to understand the current M&E practices, challenges, and gaps.

2. Review our 5 years strategic plan including organizational goals, objectives, and programmatic activities to understand the scope and focus of MEAL efforts.

3. Review the Theory of change/ logical frameworks of the projects and provide guidance for the data generation and desired outcomes. 

4. Design a user-friendly MEAL framework tailored to BYAN’s needs, including:

  • Monitoring tools and indicators aligned with organizational goals.
  • Evaluation methodologies for project and program assessments.
  • Accountability mechanisms for stakeholders.
  • Learning systems to capture, analyze, and disseminate insights.

5. Develop guidelines, templates, and operational manuals for MEAL implementation.

6. Provide training and capacity-building sessions for relevant staff to ensure the effective application of the framework.

7. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and data collection methodologies for monitoring progress and measuring outcomes and impacts as per the Logical framework.

8. Design data collection tools, templates, and protocols for capturing relevant data at various stages of program implementation and guide data management, storage, and analysis processes to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility.

9. Develop a reporting framework that outlines the frequency, format, and content of monitoring and evaluation reports to be shared with internal and external stakeholders along with the orientation of the MEAL framework.


The deliverables for this assignment include:

  1. A detailed MEAL framework document, including methodologies, tools, and processes.
  2. MEAL operational manual and guidelines.
  3. Training delivery.
  4. Reporting framework detailing the structure and content of monitoring and evaluation reports.


Interested firms or individuals should possess the following qualifications:

  • Masters in any discipline, preferred in Statistics, Social Sciences, Public health, demography, social sciences or related fields with more than 5 years of experience in MEAL field.
  • Extensive experience in sexual and reproductive health, comprehensive sexuality education, and disability.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing MEAL frameworks for non-profit organizations, preferably in the field of social development, youth empowerment and disability inclusion.
  • Strong understanding of MEAL concepts, methodologies, and tools.
  • Expertise in stakeholder engagement, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in working with disabilities will be considered as a significant asset.

Required Documents for Submitting Proposal:

  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept note highlighting the methodological design including work plan, and quality assurance mechanisms.
  • The document should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.
  • Firm Registration & Renewal certificate
  • Copy of VAT/PAN Registration Certificate
  • Latest Tax clearance certificate (for firms)
  • Copy of past relevant work assignments

Date of call for EOI: 21st November, 2024

Deadline of submission for EOI: 2nd December, 2024

Submission Instructions:

Interested and eligible individuals or organizations are invited to submit EOI in the following address, mentioning “Expression of Interest for M&E framework” in the subject line in following address: [email protected] Shortlisted candidates may be invited for further discussions or presentations.

BYAN Promotes inclusion across gender, caste, ethnicity, Dalits, and disability where persons with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ are highly encouraged to apply.

BYAN reserves the right to select or not to select any of the applications. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN’s prior consent.

Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is a non-political, non-religious, not for profit Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) established by the Blind and Partially Sighted (BPS) youth of Nepal. It is a national association for youth aged between 18-40 years. Founded in 2011 and registered with the District Administration Office, Kathmandu in 2012, taking affiliation from the Social Welfare Council of Nepal. It is the only organization established by the Blind and Partially Sighted (BPS) youth of Nepal with a broader vision with People with disabilities of Nepal enjoying a dignified life in an inclusive society.  It is a national youth with disabilities led organization having its 10 chapters across the country with more than 815+ General members. As a rights-based organization, BYAN intends to play a proactive role in the formulation, amendment and implementation of BPS related legal provisions, and in organizing and capacity-building of BPS youth across the country.  The major working area of the organization is promotion of inclusive education, Employment and self- employment promotion, political participation and civic engagement, promotion of right to health and comprehensive sexuality education, disaster risk mitigation measures, including rehabilitation works.  BYAN is also working with advocacy work for the provision, promotion and utilization of rights of blind and partially sighted people, raising awareness of BPS  and persons with disabilities issues and abilities so as to create positive attitudes.

BYAN is currently undertaking a project called “Our Voice Our Decision”, in support of International Foundation on Electoral System, with the major aim of formation of a Youth Public Policy Network dedicated to empowering Nepal's youth in the area of electoral reform and policy development.

The project intends to address mainly two major issues of the Nepalese youths. 

  • Low participation and engagement of the young people in policy development, low awareness in political rights including electoral rights and,
  • Lack of inclusivity in the participation in terms of gender, caste, ethnicity, geography and disability.

In this context, the project aims to contribute primarily to highlight the diverse issues of youth to be considered seriously in public policies and electoral reforms and enhance their engagement in advocacy to influence the relevant decision makers. The project serves range of activities to organize youth for collective action through Youth Policy Network (YPN), capacity building, and engaging youth in advocacy initiatives to bring required changes in the behavior and action of decision makers. BYAN is leading this project in the close collaboration with other youth led organizations by formation of a Youth Public Policy Network consisting of young leaders from various CSOs and youth advocacy networks in Nepal. The Policy Network established under this project  will help to harness the energy, creativity, and aspirations of Nepali youth to actively engage in the democratic process. This initiative seeks to consolidate youth voices, enhance their capacity for leadership and advocacy, and facilitate dialogue and collaboration with key stakeholders, including the Election Commission Nepal and other decision makers, to drive meaningful policy changes that reflect the needs and aspirations of the nation's youth.  The network will provide a platform for young leaders from diverse backgrounds to come together, access essential training in leadership and advocacy, and collaboratively develop action plans that promote inclusive policy development and electoral and political reform. 

The policy network YPN shall be inclusive of diverse youth led organizations including youth with disabilities, youth women with disabilities and such other marginalized youth groups to build the capacity of members of YPN and other associated organization for advocacy and lobby to influence for youth responsive and inclusive policy development and electoral reforms. 

Before launching the network, BYAN wants to prepare a network operation guideline (NOG) to facilitate the establishment and functioning of the network.  The Guideline will help to develop membership provisions, define member selection process and criteria, working approach and strategies, roles and responsibilities of YPN and coordination between the network members.

In this context, BYAN announces the call for Expression of Interest (EOI) from experienced and qualified experts for the Development of network operation guideline (NOG) for the youth policy network. Interested and eligible individuals or organizations are invited to submit EOI in the following address, mentioning "Expression of Interest for the Development of network operation guideline (NOG)” in the subject line in the following Address: [email protected] 

Final deadline is 20 June 2024.

Objective of the Assignment

The objective of the Assignment  is to prepare a network operation guideline (NOG) to facilitate the establishment and functioning of the network.  

  • Ensure seamless communication, data sharing, Joint initiatives and capacity building. 
  • Leverage collective expertise , resources and networks to achieve greater impact  and scale in political participation and civic engagement of youths. 
  • Ensure sound working approach and strategies, roles and responsibilities of YPN and coordination between the network members adhering the basic standards of a guideline/manual. 
  • Drive innovation and promote best practices through collaborative programs, initiatives and research endeavours.

Scope of Work:

The scope of works includes following tasks but not limited to: 

  • Prepare a detailed action plan and outline of the network operation guideline
  • Make a comparative study of guidelines prepared for the operation of networks and various organizations in national and international context.
  • Conduct Interviews , consultation meetings/workshop, and field visits to gather necessary inputs and ideas for the document.
  • Hold regular meetings with BYAN to create common understanding on the contents and the processes, 
  • Consult with the youth organizations/groups referred by BYAN and deemed reasonable by the consultant
  • Conduct validation workshops with the youth organizations, and incorporate feedback and inputs received.
  • Prepare a draft of the guideline and share it with BYAN and the youth organizations/groups as referred by BYAN for the required feedback
  • Provide the final document with language editing and proofreading


  • Detailed outline of the network operation guideline
  • Preliminary draft of the guideline
  • Final document with proper language-editing and proof-reading

Eligibility Criteria

  • A bachelors degree in Public Policy, law,  Public Administration, Political science, or such other related social science or field. Master degree in the stated disciplines will be preferred and will be an added advantage.
  • At least 3+ years of professional experience in preparing and managing network operation guidelines/manuals, preferably for youth-focused organizations or networks.
  • Proven track record of successfully collaborating with diverse stakeholders, including youth groups, policymakers, and civil society organizations.
  • Strong understanding of network management principles and best practices.
  • Experience working with young people and youth organizations.
  • Understanding of the importance of youth-led and youth-inclusive network operations.
  • Excellent research and analytical, written and verbal communication skills.

Service Duration and Location

The consultant will be working in close coordination with BYAN team. The consultant shall be engaged on a daily basis for a maximum of 10 working days. The assignment will immediately be started and completed by the end of June 20, 2024.  

Required Documents for Submitting Proposal Firms:

  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept notes highlighting the methodological design
  • The document should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.
  • Firm Registration & Renewal certificate
  • Copy of VAT Registration Certificate
  • Latest Tax clearance certificate
  • Copy of past relevant work assignments 


  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept note highlighting the methodological design including work plan, and quality assurance mechanisms.
  • The proposal should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.
  • Copy of past relevant work assignments 

BYAN will select the consultant based on their experience and amount proposed for the task. 

BYAN reserves the right to select any of the application. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN’s prior consent.

Job posted on 09 May, 2024Apply before 15 May, 2024Blind Youth Association Nepal

Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is a non-political, non-religious, not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established by blind and partially sighted (BPS) youth in Nepal. It was founded in 2011, registered with the District Administration Office in Kathmandu in 2012, and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal. It is the only organization established by BPS youth in Nepal. Currently, BYAN has more than 500 members, organized into 10 district chapters located in Jhapa, Morang, Bara, Kathmandu, Chitwan, Kaski, Rupandehi, Banke, Surkhet, and Kailali districts. Memberships and chapter expansion are ongoing. As a rights-based organization, BYAN intends to play a proactive role in formulating, amending, and implementing legal provisions related to youths with disabilities. It also focuses on organizing and capacity-building of youths with disabilities across the country. BYAN has strong networking and cooperation with different government and non-government stakeholders working in various domains of disability. Additionally, BYAN is a member of the National Federation of the Disabled-Nepal (NFDN), which serves as the umbrella organization for organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) in the country.


Expression of Interest for Development of Fundraising Strategy of BYAN.


Blind Youth Association is an organization established by the Blind and Partially Sighted Youth of Nepal. With the vision of ‘BPS people of Nepal enjoying dignified life in an inclusive society’ BYAN is currently working in the area of policy advocacy, education, employment disaster risk reduction, political participation and SRHR of persons with disabilities in general and BPS in particular.

Objective of the assignment:

The primary objective of a fundraising strategy is to ensure the financial sustainability and growth of the organization or project by securing adequate resources, diversifying funding sources, and expanding impact. It aims to build and nurture relationships with donors and stakeholders, enhance organizational capacity, promote innovation and adaptation, and ensure accountability and transparency in financial management.

Scope of Work:

The selected firm or individual will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Develop a fundraising strategy tailored for the Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN), an organization representing persons with disabilities.
  • Conduct comprehensive market analysis to identify potential funding sources including individual donors, corporate sponsorships, grants, local and national government support,  events, and strategic partnerships.
  • Design and effective develop fundraising campaigns and initiatives aligned with BYAN's mission and goals, aiming to secure financial support for its programs and activities.
  • Provide capacity-building support to BYAN's members and volunteers, enhancing their fundraising skills and knowledge.
  • Monitor fundraising activities, track progress towards goals, and evaluate the effectiveness of fundraising strategies and tactics and provide feedback and guidance.
  • Deliver reports on fundraising outcomes and impact, highlighting the contributions made towards BYAN's mission and the empowerment of persons with disabilities.


  • Comprehensive Fundraising Strategy Document
  • Market Analysis Report
  • Campaign Materials (e.g., promotional materials, donation appeals, online fundraising platforms)
  • Donor Engagement Plan


Interested firms or individuals should possess the following qualifications:

  • Masters in any discipline, preferred in Statistics, Social Sciences, Public health, or related fields with more than 5 years of experience.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing fundraising strategy for non-profit organizations, preferably in the field of social development, youth empowerment and disability inclusion.
  • Proficiency in conducting thorough market analysis to identify funding opportunities, donor profiles, and trends in philanthropy relevant to organizations serving persons with disabilities.
  • Strong strategic planning skills, with the ability to translate organizational goals and objectives into actionable fundraising plans and initiatives.
  • Familiarity with financial management practices, budgeting, and reporting requirements for nonprofit organizations, ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of funds.
  • Knowledge of disability rights issues, advocacy strategies, and the unique challenges faced by persons with disabilities, particularly in the context of fundraising and resource mobilization.

Date of call for EOI: 9th May, 2024

Deadline of submission for EOI: 15th May, 2024

Submission Instructions:

Interested and eligible individuals or organizations are invited to submit EOI in the following address, mentioning “Expression of Interest for Fundraising strategy of BYAN” in the subject line in the following Address: [email protected] CC to [email protected]. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for further discussions or presentations.

BYAN Promotes inclusion across gender, caste, ethnicity, Dalits and disability where the persons with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ are highly encouraged to apply.

BYAN reserves the right to select or not to select any of the applications. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN’s prior consent.

Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is a non-political, non-religious, not for profit Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) established by the Blind and Partially Sighted (BPS) youth of Nepal. It is a national association for youth aged between 18-40 years. Founded in 2011 and registered with the District Administration Office, Kathmandu in 2012, taking affiliation from the Social Welfare Council of Nepal. It is the only organization established by the Blind and Partially Sighted (BPS) youth of Nepal with a broader vision with People with disabilities of Nepal enjoying a dignified life in an inclusive society.  It is a national youth with disabilities led organization having its 10 chapters across the country with more than 815+ General members. As a rights-based organization, BYAN intends to play a proactive roles in the formulation, amendment and implementation of BPS related legal provisions, and in organizing and capacity-building of BPS youth across the country.  The major working area of the organization is promotion of inclusive education, Employment and self- employment promotion, political participation and civic engagement, promotion of right to health and comprehensive sexuality education, disaster risk mitigation measures, including rehabilitation works.  BYAN is also working with advocacy work for the provision, promotion and utilization of rights of blind and partially sighted people, raising awareness of BPS issues and abilities so as to create positive attitudes towards the blind and partially sighted people and PWDs.

BYAN is currently undertaking a project called “Our Voice Our Decision”, in support of International Foundation on Electoral System, with the major aim of formation of a Youth Public Policy Network dedicated to empowering Nepal's youth in the area of electoral reform and policy development.

The project intends to address mainly two major issues of the Nepalese youths.

  1. low participation and engagement of the young people in policy development, low awareness in political rights including electoral rights and secondly,
  2. lack of inclusivity in the participation in terms of gender, caste, ethnicity, geography and disability.

In this context, the project aims to contribute primarily to highlight the diverse issues of youth to be considered seriously in public policies and electoral reforms and enhance their engagement in advocacy to influence the relevant decision makers. The project serves range of activities to organize youth for collective action through Youth Policy Network (YPN), capacity building, and engaging youth in advocacy initiatives to bring required changes in the behavior and action of decision makers. BYAN will lead this project in the close collaboration with other youth led organizations

The  Youth Policy Network (YPN) established under this project  will help to harness the energy, creativity, and aspirations of Nepali youth to actively engage in the democratic process. This initiative seeks to consolidate youth voices, enhance their capacity for leadership and advocacy, and facilitate dialogue and collaboration with key stakeholders, including the Election Commission Nepal and other decision makers, to drive meaningful policy changes that reflect the needs and aspirations of the nation's youth.  The network will provide a platform for young leaders from diverse backgrounds to come together, access essential training in leadership and advocacy, and collaboratively develop action plans that promote inclusive policy development and electoral and political reform.

The project will mainly intervene to establish a national level YPN inclusive of diverse youth led organizations including youth with disabilities, youth women with disabilities and such other marginalized youth groups to build the capacity of members of YPN and other associated organization for advocacy and lobby to influence for youth responsive and inclusive policy development and electoral reforms. Finally, the project will mobilize the trained advocates for advocacy in federal and district level. So, the overall objective of this project is to contribute to addressing the issues of youth in policies and electoral process by increasing their participatory engagement in policy development and electoral reform process.  The main targeted audience of this project are youth led organizations, Election Commission Nepal, Parliamentarians, Policy Institute Nepal, National Planning Commission, other Policy Makers, Ministry of Youth and Sports, National Youth Council, District Election Offices of targeted districts, Youth led Disabled Peoples Organizations, youth women led organization etc. In addition to this the project will also reach out to general public and population of youth through media advocacy campaigns. Geographically this project will be implemented in Kathmandu for federal level and additionally in district level it will reach to four more district namely Kaski, Rupandehi, Surkhet and Morang. However, some activities will be implemented at the province level too.     Under the project, activities such as;

• formation of a Youth Public Policy Network consisting of young leaders from various CSOs and youth advocacy networks in Nepal,

• offering leadership and advocacy training to network members,

• facilitation of the development of action plans by network members to advance their identified priorities related to inclusive electoral reform and policy development and

• consolidation of member recommendations and engagement with relevant stakeholders, including the Election Commission of Nepal, to advocate for policy changes and reforms.

shall be conducted over the period of project implementation.

 In this pretext, BYAN is looking for a qualified and experienced candidate to recruit for the position of district coordinator, based in kathmandu for this project.


• A Bachelor’s degree in Law, specially constitutional/electoral law, Political science, public policy, or a related field in Social Science, with at least 2 years of relevant work experience. 

•  Bachelors degree running and a minimum of 3  years of experience working on projects and possessing a technical understanding of youth, disability, civic engagement and youth movement is mandatory.

• mandatorily a sound understanding of Federal, Provincial, and Local laws, national and international electoral legislations ratified by Nepal, policies related to democracy and democratic engagement, as well as a good knowledge of National and International laws relating to disability, such as UNCRPD, SDG, Disability Rights Act and the Constitution of Nepal,

•Sufficient command over politics, civic engagement, youth movements, rights of minority/marginalized youths and issue of inclusion and representation of backward communities into the mainstream process,

• Proficiency in the Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint,

• The ideal candidate should be energetic, proactive, and willing to take risks with a desire to continuously learn. Effective communication and collaboration skills with individuals from diverse backgrounds is also crucial.

• Fluency in English and Nepali is required. Knowledge of sign language is preferred.

• Prior experience working with diverse groups, including Youth and individuals with disabilities is an added advantage.

The district coordinator for the project “ Our Voice, Our Decision” will be responsible for coordinating project activities in the project implementation districts; namely Morang, Kaski, Rupandehi and Surkhet. The successful candidate will work closely with the project manager, Director and project stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, and community groups to ensure that the project is implemented on time, within budget, and to the highest standards.

Key responsibilities

• Project Coordination: Coordinate the implementation of the project “Our voice, Our Decision” in the four districts, coordinate with the youth network members in those districts and other project stake holders

• Documentation: Develop and maintain project documentation, including work plans, budgets, and reports. Ensure project activities align with the organization’s mission and values.

• Partnership Management: Manage project partners and stakeholders, including youth led organizations, government agencies, civil society organizations, political parties, organizations of persons with disabilities, and community groups in the project implementation districts.

• Media Engagement: Work closely with the media to bring positive change on issues of youths political participation, representation into policy making and civic engagement.

• Possess the flexibility to work with the groups from diverse background and inclusiveness to the marginalized, backwarded youths, including the 10 types of disabilities and possess the skills for proper communication.

Logistics: oversee logistic area, assist the project manager and director and support the youth network members, including facilitating in conducting meetings and deliberations.

• Reporting: Ensure proper documentation and timely reporting.


Interested candidates fitting above criteria are kindly requested to apply along with their CV and Cover Letter at [email protected] and coping [email protected] mentioning the position and district you want to apply in the subject line by 12th May, 2024. Telephone enquiry will not be entertained.   

BYAN Promotes inclusion across gender, caste, ethnicity, Dalits and persons with disabilities where the persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for further process. The organization reserves the right to reject any/all applications without assigning any reasons.

or follow the link :

Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is a non-political, non-religious, not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established by blind and partially sighted (BPS) youth in Nepal. It was founded in 2011, registered with the District Administration Office in Kathmandu in 2012, and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal. It is the only organization established by BPS youth in Nepal. Currently, BYAN has more than 500 members, organized into 10 district chapters located in Jhapa, Morang, Bara, Kathmandu, Chitwan, Kaski, Rupandehi, Banke, Surkhet, and Kailali districts. Memberships and chapter expansion are ongoing. As a rights-based organization, BYAN intends to play a proactive role in formulating, amending, and implementing legal provisions related to youths with disabilities. It also focuses on organizing and capacity-building of youths with disabilities across the country. BYAN has strong networking and cooperation with different government and non-government stakeholders working in various domains of disability. Additionally, BYAN is a member of the National Federation of the Disabled-Nepal (NFDN), which serves as the umbrella organization for organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) in the country.


Expression of interest for development of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework


Blind Youth Association is an organization established by the Blind and Partially Sighted Youth of Nepal. With the vision of ‘BPS people of Nepal enjoying dignified life in an inclusive society’ BYAN is currently working in the area of policy advocacy, education, employment disaster risk reduction, political participation and SRHR of persons with disabilities in general and BPS in particular. BYAN is currently carrying out a Project named “Action for Change: An initiative for the promotion of inclusive SRH and FP services for persons with disabilities and strengthened movement” in partnership with CBM global disability inclusion.  

As part of our commitment to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, we are seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to develop a robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for our overall office operations.

Objective of the assignment:

The primary objective of this assignment is to design a comprehensive M&E framework that will enable Blind Youth Association Nepal to systematically monitor and evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability of its programs and activities.

Scope of Work:

The selected firm or individual will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Conduct an initial assessment of our current monitoring and evaluation practices, tools, and systems.
  • Review our 5 years strategic plan including organizational goals, objectives, and programmatic activities to understand the scope and focus of monitoring and evaluation efforts.
  • Review the Theory of change/ logical frameworks of the projects and provide the guidance for the data generation and desired outcomes.
  • Engage with key stakeholders, including staff, beneficiaries, partners, and donors, to gather their input and insights on monitoring and evaluation needs and priorities.
  • Develop a customized M&E framework tailored to the specific context, objectives, and priorities of Blind Youth Association Nepal.
  • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and data collection methodologies for monitoring progress and measuring outcomes and impacts as per the Logical framework.
  • Design data collection tools, templates, and protocols for capturing relevant data at various stages of program implementation.
  • Provide guidance on data management, storage, and analysis processes to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility.
  • Develop a reporting framework that outlines the frequency, format, and content of monitoring and evaluation reports to be shared with internal and external stakeholders along with the orientation of the MEAL framework.


The deliverables for this assignment include:

  • Assessment report on current M&E practices and systems.
  • M&E framework document outlining the conceptual framework, objectives, indicators, and methodologies.
  • Data collection tools, templates, and protocols.
  • Reporting framework detailing the structure and content of monitoring and evaluation reports.


Interested firms or individuals should possess the following qualifications:

  • Masters in any discipline, preferred in Statistics, Social Sciences, Public health, demography, social sciences or related fields with more than 5 years of experience in M&E field.
  • Extensive experience in sexual and reproductive health, comprehensive sexuality education and disability.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks for non-profit organizations, preferably in the field of social development, youth empowerment and disability inclusion.
  • Strong understanding of M&E concepts, methodologies, and tools.
  • Expertise in stakeholder engagement, data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience on working with disabilities will be considered as a significant asset.

Required Documents for Submitting Proposal for Firms:

  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept note highlighting the methodological design including work plan, and quality assurance mechanisms.
  • The document should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.
  • Firm Registration & Renewal certificate
  • Copy of VAT/PAN Registration Certificate
  • Latest Tax clearance certificate
  • Copy of past relevant work assignments

Date of call for EOI: 20th March, 2024

Deadline of submission for EOI: 31st March, 2024

Submission Instructions:

Interested and eligible individuals or organizations are invited to submit EOI in the following address, mentioning “Expression of Interest for M&E framework” in the subject line in the following Address: [email protected] CC to [email protected]. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for further discussions or presentations.

BYAN Promotes inclusion across gender, caste, ethnicity, Dalits and disability where the persons with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ are highly encouraged to apply.

BYAN reserves the right to select or not to select any of the applications. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN’s prior consent.

Accounts Assistant -1 - Kathmandu based with frequent field visits

Job Description

The Finance Assistant for ”Empowering adolescence and young persons with disabilities in Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)” funded by Amplify Change, will support the financial operations of the organisation.  This position reports directly to the Finance Officer and Director and involves in handling various financial tasks, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial reporting , budgeting and payroll processing.


  1. Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable: Process and record payments, invoices, and expenses accurately and in a timely manner. Maintain proper documentation and reconciliation of accounts.
  2. Financial Records Management: Ensure accurate and up-to-date financial records are maintained, including receipts, invoices, and other financial documents.
  3. Financial Reporting: Assist in preparing regular financial reports, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Collaborate with the Finance Manager to analyze financial data and provide insights for decision-making.
  4. Budgeting and Forecasting: Assist in the development and monitoring of annual budgets. Contribute to financial forecasting and variance analysis to support organizational planning and financial management.
  5. Payroll Processing: Assist in processing payroll and ensure compliance with relevant laws, tax regulations, and internal policies. Maintain payroll records and address any employee payroll-related inquiries.
  6. Bank Reconciliation: Monitor and reconcile bank statements and financial transactions to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  7. Grant and Funding Support: Collaborate with the finance team in preparing financial information for grant proposals and funding reports. Ensure compliance with donor requirements and grant restrictions.
  8. Financial Compliance: Assist in ensuring the organization complies with financial regulations, accounting principles, and internal policies.
  9. Financial Support: Provide support to staff and stakeholders regarding financial matters, explaining financial processes, and addressing inquiries.
  10. Other Duties: Assist in other finance-related tasks, peers with disabilities as assigned by the Finance Officer to support the overall financial health of the organization.


  1. Education: Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, or a related field or Bachelor’s degree running with two years of experience in the above-mentioned field.
  2. Experience: Proven work experience in finance or accounting, preferably in a non-profit setting. 
  3. Technical Skills: Proficiency in financial software and tools such as Tally ERP 9, Microsoft Excel, and other accounting software.
  4. Financial Knowledge: Strong understanding of financial principles, regulations, and best practices.
  5. Attention to Detail: Excellent attention to detail and accuracy in data entry and financial reporting.
  6. Communication Skills: Effective written and verbal communication skills both in English and Nepali and the ability to work in a team-oriented environment.
  7. Passion for the Mission: Demonstrated commitment to the organization's mission and values.
  8. Non-Profit Knowledge: Familiarity with non-profit financial management is a plus.


Interested candidates fitting above criteria are kindly requested to apply along with their CV and Cover Letter and Expected salary at  [email protected] mentioning the position you are applying in the subject line by 25th March, 2024.

(Phone enquiry will not be entertained.)   

BYAN Promotes inclusion across gender, caste, ethnicity, Dalits and disability where the persons with disabilities and LGBTIQ+are highly encouraged to apply.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for further process. The organization reserves the right to reject any/all applications without assigning any reasons.
